Friday, November 5, 2010

I took Jamie in for his yearly physical today. His thirteen year old  check up. How did my little boy get to be nearly 13 so soon? And he is now officially taller than me by half an inch. I don't know whether to feel sad because he's getting so old or because I'm getting so old. Then I took him to lunch at Moe's. I try to get time alone with the kids whenever I can and I really like hanging out with Jamie because he's so funny.
After I dropped Mahaley off at the high school football game I took the other kids to Emma and Leah's girl scout investiture ceremony. For anyone who's not familiar with the girl scout cult umm organization this is where current members ( some of them lifetime members) welcome in new girls and "pin" them with little gold star pins. There were a few glitches that resulted in our table getting our spaghetti dinner last out of around 200 people at 8 pm. But the girls did have fun. We did crafts and ate tons of dessert so of course that made it worth it in the end.
I tell you what though, sometimes I am that Mom who has it all together. I have healthy snacks ready in case our dinner is almost two hours late. I have baby wipes to save us from crafts that involve paint. I have extra clothes for a baby who dumps banana pudding in her lap. I have extra clothes  for a mom whose baby dumps chocolate cake in her lap. I have a sippy cup to contain dangerous red fruit punch. I have extra napkins nearby to mop up the spilled red fruit punch. I remember to bring a camera to capture my daughters "pinning". I get my daughters new vests in time for said pinning. I have an extra paci for a sleepy baby in case one gets lost on the ride home. Yes, sometimes I am THAT mom.... and sometimes I am NOT.

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